Mathematics of Data and Decisions at Davis

Aims: The MADDD seminar aims to gather researchers on all kinds of cutting-edge algorithmic and mathematical techniques used when analyzing and visualizing data, and then making optimal decisions. Thus talks and discussions on the seminar, most often directly motivated by applications, will include (but will not be limited to): Optimization, Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis, Topological Data Analysis, Game Theory, Information theory, Theory of Machine Learning Algorithms, Computational Geometry, Inverse problems, Shape optimization problems, Scheduling problems, Packing, Risk assessment models, Control theory, Computer vision problems, Statistical signal and image processing, Pattern Recognition problems, Clustering and classification, Data Compression, Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Linear and Tensor Algebra, Random matrix theory, Convex and Functional analysis, etc.

Organizer for Fall 2021: Matthias Koeppe <>

This seminar is held fully online. Our seminar runs in the 13:10 time slot (Pacific Time) on Tuesdays, as shown in our Schedule and announced on our mailing lists. Zoom links are posted on our mailing lists. Talks that are open to a wider audience will be announced on

Note that some of the past presentations have been recorded and are available at the MADDD Channel on AggieVideo. In addition, some of the presentation slides are available at the website of the organizer.

Previous programs: Opening Event Fall 2018 Winter 2019 Spring 2019 Fall 2019 Winter 2020 Spring 2020 Fall 2020 Winter/Spring 2021